Yakutsk is now available for viewing on Google Street View. This service allows users to Google’s “wander” in the three-dimensional projection of a city or some of its streets through the Internet.
Such functionality is achieved by using the actual photographing circular area with special equipment in real time. As a result, many stereosfericheskih create panoramas with geo-referenced and provides the ability to switch between them using the intuitive interface, creating a sense of movement in space.
When taking a picture at a time, using laser rangefinders are automatically registered flat surfaces such as facades and walls. With this in Street view in the present opportunity to obtain the most successful angle for viewing the selected object.
Machines with hardware Google appeared on the streets of Yakutsk summer of 2013. Filming took place at the weekend. Yakutsk is covered almost entirely – on the map documented lanes even in remote areas of the city. Privacy Policy of blurred faces and license plates of cars, but you can try to find yourself on the map Google.
Google Street View Project is known for lots of funny situations, photographed on the streets of cities around the world during shooting cards: naked people covered by a couple of passion in unexpected places, and even crime scenes.
Source: News.Ykt.Ru
Translation: Google