Our trip up the river Lena was held from 20 to 25 September 2015. The motor ship «Mechanic Kulibin” is the only passenger ship that comes to Tiksi from Yakutsk. During the summer navigation, the ship does about 4-5 voyages to Tiksi and is a vital means of transportation for the residents of the small Arctic villages scattered along the banks of the great river.
Our team of marine scientists has undertook this trip after finalising the expedition in the Laptev and Kara Seas. This could happen thanks to the lucky coincidence of completion of our marine expedition with the arrival of the motor ship “Mechanic Kulibin” to the Tiksi port, where we also completed our oceanographic expeditions “Kara-Laptev summer 2015” on board of r/v “Victor Buynitsky”.
Translation: Google