Rafting from Irkutsk to Yakutsk: 2720 km along the rivers of Olekma and Lena (2011)

From highest mid-17th century by Lena from Irkutsk to Yakutsk (and further, to Kolyma, Magadan, Kolyma, Indigirka, Okhotsk Chukotka – in short, the entire north-east Russia) acted the main supply route and connection with civilization … summer – the water … and in winter – riding (with coachmen stations every km.50 along the frozen river).


Kirensk as Ust-Kut, were founded in 1630 – shortly after the Russian explorers, up here on the Yenisei River (which, in turn, came with Obi) on the Lower Tunguska River, a 25 km portage for the first time in 1622 by Lena came . Soon after, in 1632 g, strelets centurion Peter Beketovym, descended from Ust-Kut down the Lena – Yakutsk was founded. And up the Lena associates it – 1641g Verkholensk was founded in 1652 – Irkutsk in 1653 – Chita, etc.

Then, in 1649, and Khabarovsk to hunt human beings (and long before and after the Ust -Kut and Kirenske lived) up the Lena River from Yakutsk to Olekminsk … then, Olekma – right down to its headwaters… Perevoloki from the river with the eloquent title Urca… and it has already past the modern zhel.dor.st. Erofei Pavlovich on the Trans-Siberian, the Amur down – so that all the Amur region to append Russia.

It is interesting and we learned on these routes pioneering Russian look with your own eyes. Especially since last 2010, we have already passed through Poyarkova – in the years 1643-46 poodnyavshimsya from Yakutsk at Aldan, Uchur and Gonam… and then go down the Amur River in Zee… and at last – to the sea of Okhotsk (where he also managed to discover the island of Sakhalin).

In this case, described the journey we have made together as always – to 2- balloon inflatable canoe made by us in 2008 in the likeness of “Pike – 3″… and signified it began June 10, 2011 – sat in St. Petersburg on the train number 74 to Tyumen (1st Russian city in Siberia… located on the bank of the river Tura, a tributary r.Tobol, a tributary of the Irtysh river, a tributary Ob… a quite unusual for a look petersburger mixture of styles – as with a lot of tall modern skyscrapers coexist quite naturally one-story wooden building of the 19th century )… where we arrived in the middle of the day on June 12… inspected the city until the evening…

our train - on the stretch of the Trans-Siberian between Irkutsk and Slyudyanka





Other photos from the album Vladimir Sibirtseva “TYUMEN CITY – 2011”

On the morning of the next day already boarded the train number 349 “Moscow-Chita” … In whom arrived in the morning on June 15 in Irkutsk (located on both banks of the Angara river, near Lake Baikal – for those who do not know what to my surprise, even among the teachers of my “home” in the department SPbSTI were found).





Other photos from the album Vladimir Sibirtseva “Irkutsk CITY – 2011”

There’s also up to 17 hours to explore the city … and then boarded a bus station in the latest on the day before the minibus Kachug … and after another 2.5 hours away from it disembarked on the river bank Hodo’ntsa (who had been there 6 m wide), 8 km by road nedoezzhaya s.Manzurka.

I rowed for the next two days at 45 km Hodontse – we joined the river Ma’nzurka (already 20 meters wide).





Other photos from the album Vladimir Sibirtseva “Irkutsk region. – R.MANZURKA – 2011”

After another 105 km on thereof – have fallen into the river Lena ( as much as 50 meters there is already wide). According to the latest after 20 km we swam to pgt.Ka ‘ Chug (founded in the early 18th century, 7,000 inhabitants; many stores … here is the very busy road is 240 km from Irkutsk , crosses the bridge Lena – that there is already m.100 width – and then another 140 km to the s. Zhigalovo runs along the right bank of the river thereof ) … Purchase of products out there … and sailed on, catching in shallow clear water to ” track ” ( trolling , ” towed ” behind Baydar ) lenkov ( local trout), past the ” Shishkin Pisanitsa ” ( drawings of ancient people ) – first 45 km to the s. Verkholensk ( based, as protivoburyatsky jail , back in the 1641g … and in 1857 became a district town of Irkutsk province … here and now many more people, a few shops + beautiful, old stone church ) + 135 km to Zhigalovo ( founded in 1723 , and now 5500 inhabitants, 400 km by road to Irkutsk and 240km to zh.d.st.Zalari ) + 35 km to the village of Ust – Ilga ( 30 residential yards … founded in 1632 … a wooden church in 1804 g .. private shop near the former hospital ) + 30 km to the village Gruznovka ( 5 residential houses) + 35 km on Konoshanovo ( 15 dwelling houses) + 15 km on Golovkovo ( “museum “, 3 + year-round resident of 6 dogs others … only arrivals on fishing and hunting are) + 20 km on Severely ( 3 residential yard) + 15 km on his uncle’s ( non-residential ) + 30 km on Lyupilovo (1 residential yard ) + 20 km on Orlinga ( 15 residential houses) + 15 km d.Tarasovo (3 permanent local residents … other short visits to fishing and hunting) + 20 km on Skoknino (2 -year-round resident in different courts of the other arrivals + ) + 20 km s. Boyarsk ( founded in the early 18th century, 15 residential courtyards, private shop) + 25 km s. Omoloy ( founded in the late 17th century, 20 residential courtyards, private shop) + d Turuk 55 km (30 residential yards + 2 shop ) + 25km Ust -Kut (45 thousand inhabitants; railroad. Dor. Article. Lena; river Port Osetrovo ) + 165 km s.Markovo .

In this case, the river Hodontsa, Manzurka and Lena to Kachug – flowed at an average speed of 5 km/h, looping strongly on the sleeves and broken, the broad steppe valley, bounded by almost treeless holmogor. After Kachug forested mountains almost close to Lena came. But to claim Zhigalovo a lot more beautiful, tall, red, alumina breaks it … along the right bank of the Lena, in particular – where the dirt road passing along the very shore of the too often walked through the villages large and small, it is residential, with shops, etc.

Before the nearly pos. Zhigalovo – beautiful rocky cliffs on the right bank of the Lena River. There we were almost forcibly dragged into the house to the local Chaldon (And beyond Lake Baikal, as he claimed, already Gurans live. Or maybe Huron?

In general, the Fenimore Cooper in full. Too bad last year with the Hurons these talking – I did not know who they are) – in which both the mother and the wife drove off somewhere… and because there was no one even to cook soup. Well, what can you do?

He has given us lenkov salt, potatoes. So we boiled out of it – that failed. Ate together. After that, drunk with joy (a long time, you see, have not eaten hot – since then, as all the women of their fused somewhere), Chaldon shalt began to cry – that his ancestors 400 years this land was kept… and now hanging around here for her all sorts of… so let Welat here soon – as long as he is good (in the sense of “the Moor soup cooked – the Moor can go”)… and the Chinese will go to Moscow – and he with them (wait , I mean, “visit”) .

Well, we have something that… We took along with him to work more sensitive lenkov salt (until the owner turned away – street dogs from the window also learn something) Yes, and sailed away before (as long before, and probably all the women thereof Chaldon). By the grave stone of some local activists – as it was written there: “prematurely killed the Whites” (it would be good, of course, that all were killed in a timely manner – but alas, we are not here in Germany, order a little). And the choral songs – a long time and after Zhigalovo wafting over the surrounding taiga.

Road (before after Kachug often between the river and a cliff so closely squeezed – that the machines here often over the bumper in the “big” water go), meanwhile, went from Lena back to the Angara. And no breaks open or rocky outlets along the Lena River up to the Ust -Kut more almost was not.

Only the mountains, relatively flat and dull – forested. Yes village “museum” (with a lot of century-old houses, strong … but almost without inhabitants). Until last year, the Lena River from Ust – Kut to Zhigalovo passenger jet pump “Dawn” went. And now there’s no telling, but a very rare motorboats, there is not. Only bears wander, ant mounds tearing, almost directly on the “museum” villages. Yes mink hungry for dinner at the eyes stare – begging for fish (Well, no one wants to work there myself – but if only for a freebie. Mink are these, and in general, they say, briskly vrednichaet – sables chasing. Those that although more – Yeah painful for her dear skin shiver. A mink coat to spoil someone else – a pleasure. Even though it is not a helluva lot of saves).


Shishkin pisantsy






Other photos from the album Vladimir Sibirtseva “p. LENA – from p. Kachug to Ust-Kut – 2011”

In the area of Ust -Kut there the cargo ship (very original, at first glance, the ship – almost without boards, flat-bottomed and tall wheelhouse at the nose – the better to look out for the rocks), standing across the river – Lena, still, completely dam is capable of. And many shoals.

But the mountains are much more majestic and tall to fit the banks. Among which is passing the road again – to g. Kirensk (13 thousand inhabitants, in 300 km below the Ust -Kut on the Lena river is located). And accordingly, a village along the shores of this legendary, but not very much more of the river (although in some places already and up to 400 m wide pourable) – again, it is becoming residential.

But, for us there and the police are on the video shoot began. A rybinspektora – teach how to be entrusted to them to catch fish. And we are, indeed, with his 5th standard lenkov a day – once looked sickly against the local people… everywhere there trawling the river networks (one end thereof to the boat tied… and the other – to the cross made like “the boat” … and so on and leisurely river rafting).




Other photo album Vladimir Sibirtseva “Ust-Kut – 2011”

However, from Ust-Kut towards Kirenska we sailed down the Lena only halfway (first, saving time and money – and since then, and we still have more coming in the back way to Yakutsk might need… and secondly, as we were told the main local meteorologist, in a big quarrel with his wife and his colleagues promised all Irkutsk region in the near future without fail kirdyk … and he’s such a man – that if they had said he would make sure)… d.Markovo already taking the “Dawn” (3 times a week here before… but he that walketh s.Alekseevsk standing though less than half “Polessye” – a hydrofoil to the mouth Vitim WEARING… but in the summer of 2011, recently, though, and every day, but for “technical reasons”, too, only to Kirenska passed around) – and returning to the back thereof, in Ust -Kut.

Location, reseeding the train reached 1.5 days by BAM – among the mountains high, peaked, stone- treeless, with snow even in July places tops – to zh.d.st.Larba (just over 100 km west of the city on the BAM Tynda).

We got up a little above the river thereof Nyukzha … Here, too, has a width of 300 m… but a very small now… so that even in their canoe, we sometimes difficult to find a passage through it … especially because Nyukzha also into many branches (many of whom were now generally dry) is often broken up here … strongly winding through the forest-tundra valley km. 4 a wide variety of frozen lakes – bounded on both sides by mountain ranges gluhozalesennymi … and BAM – that fit (a) (because the ” Highway”) against the right bank of Nyukzha (by the explosion a rocky terraces passing), then completely imperceptible for the tundra became.

And swam across the back thereof, to the west, along the Baikal-Amur Mainline – 70 km to zh.d.st.Lopcha + 70 km to the railway station Chilchi (village is small – just a few of the panel 4- storey buildings consisting … but the only Bamovskaya station, almost directly on the Nyukzha located … so even with decent shops). At the same time, shortly after the last of the above stations Nyukzha already quite nice rapids, erratic form acquired. What is complemented by the weather in the schedule… when every day in the morning sunlight on us a very “romantic” the smoke of fires blanketed coastal… and right after lunch storm certainly come with rain and strong headwind – dispelling the smoke over the river, but in return, bringing with them a solid high clouds, which have a solar heat into the evening covered.










Other photo album Vladimir Sibirtseva “r. NYuKZhA – 2011”

And so all of the following 140 km to zh.d.st.Yukta ‘ if (a big village with a 5- storey 4- ceremonial buildings, and no small number of CMV stores with high prices). Shortly after that we fell in Olekma (here, too, “the small water” 300 m wide) – on which 85 km to the mouth r.Hani continued to sail without incident on a sufficiently wide intermountain valley. And then began a mountain gorge – which is 100 km long river has over 20 rapids threshold powerful enough even “at low water”.

In this case, according to the aforesaid first gorge we sailed 30 miles to the mouth of the r.Tumullur (where even two manned summer fishing hut at the beginning and at the end of Reach standing) + 30 km to the mouth r.Oldongdo (also a beautiful place – as well as the entire OLYEKMINSKY gorge, in the majority – with canopy and fixed canvas tent with an iron stove) + 20 km to the mouth r.Tungurcha (for 2 miles to where on the right bank of Olekma under stone slabs radon hot springs are hitting on which the recreation center itself local oligarchs built … but the attendants there understand… and in the absence of the oligarchs and gives shelter to strangers). After that, another 20 km were also quite powerful rapids Mahochen and White Horse. And only then gorge rapids finally ended (though it met the threshold for shoals Olekma and after … as the mountains – very close to the shores of Olekma continue to stand until almost the mouth).

Next, 55 km to the mouth r.Belyan. Inconspicuous -looking the river. Under which, however, is usually a lot of burly tolchetsya lenkov and taimens. Are like dogs, already jumping out of the water, threw a race for our “mouse” (a piece of foam from the tee, wrapped my ragged black socks). So the very first big fish – weighing 4 kg – we are spinning broken. The second 5kg big fish – we have just pulled his hands at the line – as the judges on the shore of a fishing line broke (so I had to like the tiger behind it in the water … and the rush of wet slippery rocks tumbling pull on the land … where even a friend to us thereof trout , while he was still in force, the ground could not raise – as motanet tail, so we’re all back together on the rocks valimsya). And the third beast we are just from the first breakthrough was vomiting all the gear (a steel cable with a tractor we base with radon too lazy to drag – even for us there on this occasion and warned … and signified it drag out the monster of the river, we would probably also had a tractor).

No wonder, it is clear we are here for two days, 10 bears have met, wandering along the water. Crawl out of the tent in the morning – and they are in the camp three pieces at a time tolchetsya. So the first thing you have to take a hefty advance stockpiled tibia – and to deal with uninvited guests (Whose bone – I do not know. Her I just found in the river. But the bears seem to know – and therefore ran properly … believing likely that if I’m mammoth ruined – that I deal with them were not working). In the evening, the procedure was repeated – but with other bears. And at night, and even wolverine come. And when I’m away from the fire is strictly warned her – all that I see and rob her so just do not let – for me it is also cursed.

Then, after about 35 km, at the mouth of r.Enyuk, too, on the right bank Olekma, in the cabin of the former weather station remainder – 1.5 days we got used to onset of the long rains (like promised chief meteorologist Irkutsk region kirdyk – and came up here) … under whose shelter in another 30 km along the river (because of the long rain became twice as wide and fast) were the first cordon Olekminsky Reserve (on the right side Olekma located – at the mouth of r.Tas – Heiko). Then, after 120 km we sailed Dikimdya weather station (on the site of the former village of the same name, at the mouth of the river of the same name – where we were fed a delicious lunch) … and after 20 km, drifted second cordon (also on the right bank Olekma, at the mouth r.Bederdyah) – finally got to the reserve.

Next go right kurumno – forested mountains without the beautiful open rocky outcrops … and to the left, and all, from the mountains to the river km.3 moved. But, along the shores of Olekma often Yakut hut went – with meadows and hayfields near them corrals for horses. However, in the majority, they are all at the locks were closed. But one of these “farms” Yakut (25 km below the last cordon reserve), the hosts it (come here for the summer … all the way from Yakutsk to “Shooting Star”, which Olekminsk and back away from the capital of Yakutia almost every day here is worn… but costs 6500 rubles “from the nose” with no luggage … so who knows people prefer to “taksomotorkah” prodelyvat this way – that take almost 2 times less, and back from Yakutsk to Olekminsk goods are already being taken for themselves) themselves invited us to visit – and also fed a delicious dinner … and a private cottage cheese and the famous (Obruchev Sergei still sung) Yakut cream tea.

Not like in the Russian village Golovkovo (in the Lena River, between Zhigalovo and Ust -Kut). Where we stopped at two dozen “museum” houses – that thought that they were all uninhabited. And then somewhere along our soul povylazilo 6 pcs dogs (one of which is “Sailor” snatched my so that he limped a couple of weeks later … and I – in the absence of the then tibia and the mammoth – went himself, waving his ax . and nothing.. – commanded respect). And the night very very close – and as many more of their hosts. Stuffed pike there were my height. But the cow and calf – which also went freely throughout that village – no one could even come close to something, not that milk.

But back to the Olekma . At 60 km downstream from the above hamlets thereof – on the left bank is quite large (50 houses) Yakut village of the same Kudu – Kyuyol (but now all the Yakuts, Evenki zapisal there – because the small nationalities put all sorts of benefits). At 35 km downstream of it, starting from the mouth of r.Stepan – again a beautiful mountain- climbing open drain along both banks of the Olekma start (with rattlesnakes, however, thence, the keepers of the wood). After another 85 km – the mouth r.Chara (with one more residential village – just upstream of Enchantment located). After another 30 km and the village of Troitsk (Yakut also houses a 50 – but at least, with a shop and a ferry to g.Olekminsk) – up to the mouth of the Olekma along the left bank thereof, which stretches.













Other photo album Vladimir Sibirtseva “r.OLEKMA – 2011”

g.Olekminsk (8500 inhabitants, founded in 1635, the center of Olekminsky Ulus of the Sakha Republic), 15 km from the mouth of the Lena River above Olekma located – on the left bank of the latter … like all other residential settlements – almost to the very Pokrovsk to Yakutsk (ibid., and power lines are going to Vilyuiskaya plant – which supplies them with electricity). Right off the shore at Lena here almost all wild- mountainous. With the gold-bearing streams – where now the local people of the villages on the opposite bank of the Lena motorboats with trays rides. “Metal” pan out – if the farm was over. Fish ‘s the sable in any reasonable quantity need, and you can get near the village itself. For meat and hunting is not necessary – even though there horses in small herds on their own almost the entire left bank of the Lena graze (even in winter the snow here is usually self “of hooves” – that out of his grass to feed itself to produce). And the bread is born, not very – but because, well potatoes (and now, I almost immediately after the last cordon Olekminsky Reserve also began to gather mushrooms in the local woods almost every day “from the belly” … and not far from the mouth of another Olekma and cranberries l.6 scored for 1.5 hours – which we then all the rest of the way with tea and cereals consumed).

At 15 km downstream from the mouth of the Lena Olekma – p.Solyanka located (50 residential homes). Further downstream along the left bank of the Lena go … after 40 km p.Horintsy (40 residential houses, beautifully situated on the open slope) + 25 km ppb Russian River (uninhabited already – but with beautiful rock pillars in front of it , on the right bank of the Lena) + 30 km p.Uritskoe (50 houses, 2 shops … mainly Russian population … where comrade. Uritzky link yet served from 1900 g .. and then ran away – more than 1,000 km through the mountains wild- Yakutia, non-residential at all, to the newly built then the Trans-Siberian … also worthy traveler … only now, here he was respected by all, children taught in school – and in St. Petersburg in 1918, where intellectuals and so surplus already was soaked his competitors negligible PRSPs) + 35 km der.Hatyn – Tumul (Russian, 5 houses, weather station).

Shortly after the last we V.Chugaya with I.Opanchuk met. And with their supply steel sturgeon catch … on donk with worms … a clear moonlit night (luckily, finally ran out for a while rains, with very few interruptions and are watered us almost all the time from the mouth of the river. Belyan … but in return for them at night frosts began) – when this poor fish (and-so, like a turtle, all in an ivory shell chained – so it does not hurt anybody), and only dare, getting out of the deep holes along the bottom of the sandy crawl.

Then, after 25 km Markha village (40 houses, a shop, poluyakutskaya) – on the left bank of the Lena River, not only, but also r. Marha (100 m wide) located. Bakery is not here – so people and himself in every home bakes wonderful bread. The milk in the farm (mainly the cultivation of potatoes and horse meat here in itself engaged) at least twice a day can pass. In Russian Yakuts ‘ said cleaner and culturally, than we have in Peter majority. A Russian – in Yakut “razmovlyayut” or worse.

After another 50 km d.Sanyyahtah (80 houses, Russian, Yakut, 4 shops) – in front of which we were fortunate to spend the night in a remote area hospitable … and if you swim through Lena – it follows the old Yakut horse trail (for which, incidentally, is now ride) 180 km straight to the Aldan and rail leads.

Then, shortly after the Big Island Spruce (20 km below d.Sanyyahtah … with broad lawns mowing … more than 70 lakes and permafrost … one more hospitable hut – in front of the former village Elovka located where today only … a herd of cows and horses – in itself, as usual here – grazing … and the court, the team of which fresh meat hunting, and stick themselves to the shore and take a vending beast, instead of barrels of fuel on the shore leaving) – career and now actively functioning, the left and right banks of the Olekma.

Further, in 55 km after the village Sanyyahtah, etc. Malykan (30 houses, Russian, Yakut) is located 20 km + ppb Chura (byvshaya. .. but the place is beautiful – high, long, red-and- yellow wall, even on the left bank of the Lena) + 20 km Isit village (40 houses, 2 shops , a bakery … Russian – Yakut village – in 1743 still based ) + 20 km ppb Cross (the former as Chura … but the place is too beautiful and high- red- yellow wall on the left bank of the Lena … under which the pike – a starlet on donk with worms caught … and Dace – on the contrary, trolling with increasing threw himself … and caught – rioted worse taimens … because, apparently, pike and preferred to eat worms here, rather than having to swim with broken noses … and if Dace discharge the same with the above-mentioned increase in taimens were – that would accurately captured the world) + 20 km s.Kytyn – Duras (50 homes in km.2 , 5 from Lena) + 30 km s.Edey (100 homes).

After another 20 km on the right bank of the Lena started the first big wall “Lena Pillars” (included in the Natural Park, trailing then to the mouth r.Buotama – where officially, without a permit can not even step foot on the shore). At 10 km downstream from it – with. Sinskey (1000 inhabitants … nasleg Khangalassky ulus, located at the mouth of r.Sinyaya, on the right bank … and already in km. 3 above on thereof – is visible first of its remarkable rock walls, which is part of another natural Park … on the right bank of the Lena is here first of its famous wall of rock pillars ends).

After another 25 km (opposite b.d.Charan) on the right bank of the Lena started the second big wall “Lena Pillars” (such as the majestic formations I have never seen … like really, temples, Gothic castles and towers – along river solid wall in a great many challenges and even extending into the interior) … ended with a still 30km – on the contrary D. Tito – Ary … and on the big island in the middle of the Lena and there still is pos.Chkalov (“face” to the posts just Lenski).

The above median islands are large (low, sand and grass + more overgrown with willow bushes) on the Lena began back in the district of the village. Kytyn – Duras. But in between there is still quite large passages were. A below on Tit- Ary these islands are divided Lena is actually two separate rivers – km in width . 2.5 (plus as much of the island is occupied median width) – walking on one of them, do you remember about the other only in theory. At the same time, ” the right Lena” – wild- mountain-taiga, with vessels large and distant, often reaching it (in Yakutsk, on Indigirka, Jan, etc.).

A ” left- Lena” – small (so that the canoe – and even then not all will pass through it). But , with a lot of villages, cemeteries, ancient Yakut (with stone tombstones much of the 19th century – some of which are carved the whole history of life), etc. For example, about 25 km below the village Tit- Ary – there is on Elance (30 residential homes – but with coachmen farmstead , founded in 1830) + 10 km d.Ulahan An (100 residential houses – as in the previous village, located on the top of a high hillside ) + 10 km d.Toyon – Ara (now uninhabited already … but yamskaya station here was back in 1743 based ) + 15 km d.Bulgunnyahtah (100 homes … several shops near the river … plus great driving road to Yakutsk starts – before it is too, but not quickly passing) + 15 km village. The top Best (100 village houses + 8 panel, 4 -storey , 3 – parade ) + 5 km g.Mohsogolloh (or in Russian ” Mostogolovka ” … p. 30 panel 4 -5 -storey 4 -5- parade of homes on top of the hillside, where the coast road goes + large cement plant – with port cargo , quite busy at add- ) + 15 km Pokrovsk (items 35 panel 4 -5 -storey 4 -5- parade of homes + pcs. 100 village … a lot different shops … quite cheap shuttle bus to Yakutsk … ferry to the right bank of the Lena – to step Kachikatsy … from Yakutsk path on the south you can get into Tommot, Nerungri, Tynda, Skovorodino in Transsiberian, Blagoveshchensk on the Amur, etc…

Plus, there is also a link serving the eminent revolutionary – ing . Ordzhonikidze … and all the while they Decembrists including serving here so obsessed over whether the right thing, or the left – right and can not tell … and academic hoops and a lot of other people as well-known and most common – without suffering every day, just lived and worked here … there, you see, people who are supposed to suffer a lifetime … and there are hard workers – and not so common – in which our land and holds) + 45 km s.Tektyur (items 100 village houses on the road from Yakutsk Pokrovski … plus more on sht.50 homes in the nearby surrounding villages – in the desert foothills along the road thereof, regularly spaced) + 15 km s.Tabaga (g 100 … 2 stores … bus service to Yakutsk – every hour from 7 to 22 hours).

Lena River

Lena River

Lena River

Lena River

Lena River

Lena River

Lena River

Lena River

Lena River

Lena River

Lena River

Lena River

Lena River

Lena River

Lena River

Lena River

Lena River

Lena River

Lena River

Lena River

Lena River

Other photo album Vladimir Sibirtseva “Lena River – from g.Olekminsk to Yakutsk – 2011”

After another 30 km and the city of Yakutsk (the capital of Yakutia with 270 thousand inhabitants, founded in 1632 .. synonymous with “Tuymaada” … hence Viliuiski and Tsugaru paths begin … plus ferry to Lower Bestyakh walks – where Magadan and Yakutsk paths begin … and the railway from BAM and the Trans-Siberian fit – on which, however, has only the labor movement of trains open) … Unlike the Pokrovsky and other villages we passed this year, up by lenotecheniyu thereof – in general, “steppe” Lena floodplain located … where no Evenki reindeer, and Yakuts just at the very time his horses gallop – Aki Mongols Genghis.

Next, the main fairway holding, we still swam 215 km – up s.Batamay (on the right bank of the Lena River, 12 km downstream from the mouth r.Aldan). Where on motorboat us back to Yakutsk scored (so much cheaper than a scheduled “Shooting Star”). Of which over 10 thousand rubles. “a nose” (plus, at 700 per excess baggage).








Other photo album Vladimir Sibirtseva “Yakutsk – 2011”

Boeing 767 for 6h non-stop flight to Moscow, we delivered. Where we rode the train to the city of Tver. And there already, sitting in a passing train – for 7h and 580 rubles. “a nose” and got to Sankt-Petersburg.

Source: site Vladimir Sibirtsev


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