In Yakutia Sinskaya pillars opened a memorial sign UNESCO

memorial sign UNESCO

In the area of “Hara ergiir” on Sinskaya site today the opening ceremony of the memorial sign the World Heritage Committee “UNESCO” with the participation of the government delegation, headed by Yegor Borisov, the press service of the Ministry of Environment of Yakutia.

The head of republic Egor Borisov noted in his speech the unique features of the Lena Pillars and Sinskaya site.

“These natural objects, which are deposits of Cambrian rocks, will help to study the early evolution of life on earth during the Cambrian” explosion “. Therefore, our task is to preserve and protect these facilities to meet the high status “, – he said.

memorial sign UNESCO

According to First Deputy Prime Minister Pyotr Alexeyev system of specially protected natural territories of the Republic is fully formed and stably. In this regard, he thanked the staff of the Ministry of Nature Protection, Natural Park “Lena Pillars” and the scientific community of the republic.

Greeted as the Minister Sahamin Afanasyev, who emphasized the outstanding value Sinskaya pillars for all mankind.

memorial sign UNESCO

“With the introduction of Sinskaya plot Natural Park” Lena Pillars “of the UNESCO contribution to the republic in the World Heritage Site is 2 plot with a total area of 1 350 000 hectares.”

In addition, the director of the Natural Park “Lena Pillars” Vasily Kalitin familiarized the guests with information about the activities of the Natural Park and presented a draft Concept of Development Sinskaya site. Head of the Republic has supported this project and noticed their prospects.

memorial sign UNESCO

Recall that on 6 July 2015, in Bonn (Germany), by decision of the 39th Session of the World Heritage Committee Sinskaya plot (Sinskaya Poles, Blue River) is included in the UNESCO sites “Natural Park” Lena Pillars “.

memorial sign UNESCO

2017 declared the Year of Russia in specially protected natural areas. In this regard, the head of state instructed the Ministry of Nature Protection of Sakha (Yakutia) to develop appropriate regulations, including on the development of the Natural Park “Lena Pillars”.

Source: YSIA

Translation: Google

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