The two-week rafting on a homemade boat on the rivers Sinyaya and Lena along the famous “pillars” (2016)

The two-week rafting Blue and Lena

Route:Yakutsk – settlement Berdigestyah – Sinyaya River – rafting on the river Sinyaya to Sinskaya village – rafting on the river Lena to Bulgunnyahtah village – Yakutsk

The two-week rafting Blue and Lena

Yakutia, rafting easy level, fourteen days, 260 km, July.

The two-week rafting Blue and Lena

The route chosen light. Read reviews of those who have sailed on the Sinyaya and calculated the optimal time for rafting – July. In June, the authorities imposed a ban on travel to the forest area due to the high risk of fire, and the river grows shallow in August. Time calculated from the average speed – 20 km per day. I wanted to swim leisurely and often go to the beach, exploring the rocks.

The two-week rafting Blue and Lena

Getting there. By plane to Yakutsk. From Yakutsk Berdigestyah a taxi to the village. To go 4-5 hours, bad road, it is better to count with a stock.

We agreed in advance with the all-terrain vehicle driver (It is there only one name is Peter) that drove from the village to the site access to the water. To go six o’clock.

The rover crammed 17 people, including company Yakut women, who rode on corporate. Playing cards, laughing and bouncing in shaking the cabin, singing national songs. Language sounding something similar to Estonian. A lot of vowels and unpronounceable all very nice. The road was washed away, and in the middle of the road rover stuck. They tried to pull the rope in the home – did not work. Spas tractor accidentally passing by. We continued on his way with songs. We saw a bear.

The two-week rafting Blue and Lena

The two-week rafting Blue and Lena

If time is short, can raft on the Siney River to Sinskaya village for 4-5 days. If there are two weeks left, it is possible to sail down the river Lena to Bulgunnyahtaha.

Swim better in June and July — in August, the river has become shallow. In July, almost all the time was 35, a couple of times the event of rain and thunderstorms, but quickly passed.

Because of the heat always want to swim. However, the morning gathering tent, pull out the pegs – they are icy. Soils ten centimeters, and then – the permafrost. Here, everything is on the permafrost.

The two-week rafting Blue and Lena

On the jeep reached the place where the route begins at the Sinyaya River (Siine or Shiine Yakut means “fish”). Prior to the final point of the alloy – the mouth of the Lena River and Sinskaya village – 160 km.

In the first 2 days you would think that you swim in the Moscow region, is only instead of the spruce – larch. Then all of a sudden start “pillars” – at first small, then all the larger. “Pillars” – this ancient cliff height of 70-100m, a variety of types and forms of palaces, caves, arches, walls and caves. Always want to go to the bank – to explore the sand and pebble beaches, climb up. What we do.

The two-week rafting Blue and Lena

The two-week rafting Blue and Lena

Because of the frost trees here never grow big and strong, in the middle lane. The windbreak forest, deep into not leaving. Around a lot of traces of elk and musk deer (deer with fangs) frequently encounter gophers.

Besides the village Minsk on Sinyaya River no settlements. Mobile communication is also no.

The two-week rafting Blue and Lena

The two-week rafting Blue and Lena

Closer to the village on the banks of Sinsk is a cordon, where foresters Sinskaya Natural Park stop sailing, logged, take 600 rubles per person and give a pass to visit the territory.

The two-week rafting Blue and Lena

Designated sites are hard to find — a lot of crumbling cliffs, rocks and fallen trees, overgrown with grass. Sometimes we had to go a few hours to find something. If you see a smooth section of the coast – it is better to stop for a couple of hours earlier than the night looking for a place to stay overnight. Prepared at the stake, and if the rain or laziness – on a gas burner.

The two-week rafting Blue and Lena

From Siney in Lena comes up on the other side of the “Lena Pillars” – separates them from about 5 km. The river is wide, many islands with canals, where you can get lost. And then the channel with strong currents, whirlpools and large passenger and cargo ships. Swim back to the kayak is not necessary.

In the beginning it was hard — the river beginning shallow, sand everywhere, the boat had to drag along the bottom. It took 2 days and 40 kilometers. Then the river became deeper, appeared for the remaining 60 km swam easily and quickly.

The two-week rafting Blue and Lena

Return trip. If time is short, you can swim to Sinskaya and go to Yakutsk. Ways few: hitchhiking on the federal highway, public bus (to go 200 km), a bulletin board on the village square (on the board in various languages looking for travel and offer to join the trip), the district council can help to find a ride, pre-arrange a transfer to Yakutsk.

In Minsk, almost everywhere accept cards and use the system 2GIS.

From Bulgunnyahtah village buses to Yakutsk, ride 110 km, 2-3 hours.

The two-week rafting Blue and Lena

What to take a trip?

* In any special needs swimming sealed bags for clothes. Sold in any tourist shop. The main thing – the right to choose their volume.
* High boots-bog or conventional rubber boots.
* Be sure to stock up on a sufficient number of repellent, take screens or mesh. At this time, a lot of mosquitoes and gnats.
* Repair kit boat – patches, glue, scissors.
* Medicine chest. Everyone happens.
* GPS-navigator and/or the card. You may also want to check out the forums and mark places of interest on the GPS in advance. For example, we sailed past petroglyphs (ancient rock paintings), because it does not advance marked them on a map.
* Compass.
* Convenient things for the weather and warm clothes for the night.
* Food — canned food, cereals, products with a long shelf life. It is necessary to bring your fishing rod – the river is called “fishing” for a reason.

The two-week rafting Blue and Lena

A boat. Route uncomplicated, without thresholds, and with only minor rifts, rafting can be on anything. Tourists prefer catamarans – the most secure and stable, there are many things you can download and take with the whole family.

We were floating on an inflatable kayak “Lastochka”, which improved self for travel. For extra stability, the tail of the boat carried the rubber cushions and steering wheel were added. And for the transportation of the whole structure is going into a comfortable bag on wheels.

The two-week rafting Blue and Lena

The two-week rafting Blue and Lena

The two-week rafting Blue and Lena

The two-week rafting Blue and Lena

The two-week rafting Blue and Lena

The two-week rafting Blue and Lena

The material was prepared:
Elizabeth Kochergina
Route passed:
Anna Mogilner, Aleksey Dyatlov

Source: “Forty-two” Publishing House

Translation: Google

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