We present to your attention a film made by the Riga Academy of Sciences of the LSSR, “The Times of Dreams”, 1982.
Worked on the film: A. Slapins, E. Novik, E. Alekseev, I. Bogdanov, Z. Vidins, D. Lukin.
Filmed: Shaman Nikita Alekseevich Parfenov (Kuobakh oyuun, in Russian Hare Shaman) – a resident of the village of Kundaeye Suntarsky ulus. He is known for knowing shamanic rituals, secretly kamlala from the authorities, for he had, in his words, “iye-kyyl” (mother-beast, shamanic spirit).
A unique healer Nikon Alekseevich Vasiliev (Nyykan) from the Verkhnevilyui region. Since the end of the 50s from all parts of Yakutia, people who are suffering from illnesses have come to him. It was said that Nikon could cure almost all diseases. For a month, the healer had up to a hundred people.
Basically Nikon used herbs, the medicinal properties of which he knew very well. Has successfully applied bloodletting. Used massage. He was not very fond of hypnosis, although in his youth he mastered it perfectly;
Udagan shaman Matryona Petrovna Kulbertinova (Syngalaeva) Born in 1887 in the village. Tyanya of the Olekminsky region in the family of a reindeer breeder from the Nyurmagan clan. She became a shaman at 50. Matryona Petrovna was deeply convinced that her mission as a shaman woman was healing activity, helping people in their grief and joy.
Sourse: YouTube